ยป Joan Hits 100 and CdLS Benefits!

Mrs Joan Garrard of Mersea Island in Essex, celebrated a rather special birthday in February. It was the big 100. Originally from Tollesbury in Essex, Joan was a Landgirl during the war - as was recognised a few years ago by the Prime Minister at the time, Gordon Brown. Now living in West Mersea, along with many of her family.

Joan has been a supporter and a special friend to the CdLS Foundation UK & Ireland for many years. Her monthly donations have helped tremendously. She is very interested in the work we do and subscribes to our magazine, "Reaching Out."

Joan Garrard's 100thFoundation Chairman, David Axtell had the very pleasurable job of delivering that special letter on her big day. He says, "Joan has been a dear friend to me for a very long time. I pop my head round her door every day and have a chat with her. On the occasion of her hundredth birthday, I was as excited as she was to be delivering the special blue envelope from Her Majesty (of course I'd been all the way to Buckingham Palace to get it!!) It was an honour to present her with the message from HM the Queen. Joan's monthly donations help us continue our work for CdLS. Regular income from Standing Orders and regular donors can make the difference to our chances of survival."

David had gone armed with a camera and met Joan, surrounded by her family - several generations of sons, daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The Foundation also sent her a birthday card to express our gratitude for her unfailing support over the years.

Happy birthday Joan, and many more of them. Thank you for your wonderful support.