» Upcoming events

CdLS Spring Conference 2025 

The CdLS Spring conference is going to be in Leeds on 22nd March 2025.

The venue is:
Village Hotel, Leeds North
186 Otley Road,
Leeds, LS16 5PR

Village Hotel Leeds North

If you require accommodation at the venue, please book in with the following link:

The programme for the day will run as follows:

09.30 - Welcome - David Axtell - (CdLS Foundation UK & Ireland)
09.45 - Diagnosis and Clinical Overview - Dr Anne Lampe (Clinical Genetics)
10.25 - Overview of Behaviour in CdLS - Dr Jo Moss (Behavioural Psychology)
11.05 - Coffee
11.20 - Solving Gastrointestinal Problems - Dr Peter Gillett (Gastroenterology)
12.20 - Research Findings of Links Between Anxiety and Autism - Dr Bethany Jones (Behavioural Psychology)
12.40 - AGM - (CdLS Foundation UK & Ireland)
13.10 - Lunch
14.15 - Understanding Strengths and Challenges in People with CdLS - Dr Katherine Ellis - (Behavioural Psychology)
14.55 - Anxiety Workshop - Dr Jane Waite (Behavioural Psychology)
15.30 - Oral Hygiene in CdLS - Dr Richard Fitzgerald (Dental)
16.10 - Close

One to one appointments are available with Dr Anne Lampe (Clinical Genetics), Dr Peter Gillett (Gastroenterology), Dr Jenny Sloneem/Dr Jane Waite (Behaviour), Dr Richard Fitzgerald (Dental) and Sara Peaford & Team (Speech & Language). Please reserve these through our office.

Lunch is provided free for all delegates. There is a nominal €10 registration fee per adult (over 16). 16 and under and CdLS people free of charge. Please ensure you register with our office. info@cdls.org.uk

See you there for a great weekend!!


The CdLS Foundation UK & Ireland will hold its AGM on 22nd March 2025 at 12.40 pm. The meeting will be held at the Village Hotel Leeds North.

All are welcome