We are aware that this is a difficult time for many and the first priority is the heath and safety of your family.
The Government have put together COVID-19: guidance for employees to help support those working or unable to work during the current situation.
Sick Pay
You can get statutory sick pay from the first day you’re self-isolating due to Government advice about coronavirus and you cannot work from home.
Check if you're eligible for Statutory Sick Pay (GOV.UK)
If you need to stay at home because you or someone you live with have symptoms of coronavirus, tell your employer as soon as possible.
If your employer requires evidence, follow this link: NHS isolation note
Universal Credit
You can now claim Universal Credit online or over the phone due to Government lockdown or self-isolation. If you are self-employed or have a zero hours contract, you will be able to get the same amount of Universal Credit as an employed person. This is a temporary measure.
Apply for Universal Credit (GOV.UK)
Emergency Universal Credit loans are now available to people affected by coronavirus. This means you can ask for your first payment straight away. This is a loan. You will pay this back from your Universal Credit payments. If you stop claiming Universal Credit, you will still have to pay this back.
Difficulties with keeping up bill payments
You could try contacting your utility companies to see if there is any help that they can give you.
For rent or mortgage payments, the government has introduced support to make sure people are protected if they are struggling financially due to coronavirus.
Support with Council Tax
The Government has announced a hardship fund which will provide Council Tax support to vulnerable people and households affected most by coronavirus.
The hardship fund will go to local authorities in England so they can reduce the 2020 to 2021 Council Tax bills of working age people getting Local Council Tax Support.
Local authorities can use the funding to give further discretionary support through other ways, such as Local Welfare Schemes.
What’s available to you will depend on your area. Go to your local authority website or contact your local council to find out what support you can get.
Find your local authority (GOV.UK)
COVID-19 hardship fund 2020 to 2021 - guidance