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Royal Parks Half Marathon

Did watching the London Marathon make you think that maybe you would like to have a go? Did seeing all of our CdLS runners bringing it home inspire you?  If so, we can offer a chance on a smaller scale... read more


Run for Charity

We have registered for multiple events around the country for fundraising opportunities to get involved in. If you're not up to a marathon, then a range of fun and virtual, regional events, including some less gruelling runs, may be right for you... read more


CdLS Specific Be-Well Checklist Now Available

Helping parents, carers and professionals to reduce challenging behaviour and improve the wellbeing of people with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome... read more


Family Stories Book is published

Family BookWe are very happy to announce that the book of family stories from our CdLS parents and carers, has been published and is available to buy on Amazon... read more


Advice, Tips and Ideas for Coronavirus Situation

The Foundation has put together some useful information, tips to be prepared for any eventuality and ideas for things to do while in isolation... read more


COVID-19 and Implications for CdLS

We have sought advice from our professionals on any extra considerations for our individuals with CdLS... read more


Ranitidine Recall - Advice

We've had many enquiries following media coverage about contamination of Ranitidine, which many of our CdLS people are taking... read more 

What's On & Research


Dublin Autumn Conference Programme Details

Our full Autumn Conference will be on 12th October 2024 in Dublin, Republic of Ireland…read more 

Online Teacher Training Videos

We are aiming to improve this important resource and need stakeholders to review… read more

Cerebra Sleep Study - please get involved

The team at the Cerebra Network for Neurodevelopmental Disorders is looking for participants from the CdLS community to take part in this important study… read more

Mental Health in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome

Aston University is recruiting CdLS people aged 4 or over and their parents/carers to take part in another important study… read more