Brushing up those dental techniques
Dr Doug Clemens speaking at the Essex meeting.
A new tooth brush called the Collis Curve Brush will aid the brushing of teeth for children with CdLS says Dr Doug Clemens, SAC’s dental expert from Maryland, USA.
Speaking to UK families at the Essex meeting, Dr Clemens showed how the brush with two different types of bristles can clean the top of the teeth with stiff straight bristles and then do the sides of the teeth with gentle curved bristles.
SuccessfulHe said that feeback from families in the USA had shown how successful the brush is. Although the brush is only sold in the USA, the UK Foundation has ordered some for UK families (see ^ Below).
Dr Clemens stressed how important oral hygiene is to CdLS youngsters and how other problems can be caused if the teeth are not looked after.
He offered a number of helpful tips.
- Brush twice a day
- Brush teeth gums and tongue
- Have nothing by mouth after brushing
- Have minimal use of tooth paste
- Use a mouth prop if necessary
- Use a fluoride solution
- And control the use of sweets
With CdLS in particular Dr Clemens said there were a number of problems: particularly small jaw development; crowded or conversely, absent teeth, small teeth, an ability to open the mouth wide and cleft palate.
Because of the incidence of reflux and difficulties in getting CdLS children to practise oral hygiene there were a number of periodontal diseases showing such as gingivitis and periodontitis.
* The CdLS Foundation UK is now able to obtain the recommended Collis Curve brushes from Texas. They come in different sizes: Under 5, Under 9, Youths and Adults. Each brush costs £4. If any family wants a brush they should write to the Foundation, enclosing a cheque (made payable to CdLS) stating how many brushes wanted and for which age group.