Carers of all ages can now claim Invalid Care Allowance (ICA) following changes introduced by the Government late last year.
Up until last October, new carers aged over 65 could not claim ICA. Although the age barrier has been removed, the Government has no plans to alter the purpose of the allowance.
As stated in the Department for Work and Pensions’ Touchbase publication, it “remains a non-contributory, non means-tested, income-maintenance benefit, not intended to be a wage for caring, nor a payment for the services of caring.”
Existing ICA customers aged 65 are not affected by the changes and if they end their claim, they will be able to reclaim under the new rules.
Other benefits will continue to affect ICA, for example the allowance cannot be paid as an income maintenance benefit in addition to Retirement Pension (RP), although if the carer’s RP is less than the rate of the ICA, they will be paid a top-up to the level of ICA.
A second change means that all carers are entitled to receive their ICA for up to eight weeks after the death of the person for whom they cared. Previously, the allowance was stopped upon the death of the disabled person.
ICA forms are available from Jobcentre Plus offices, social security offices or the ICA unit on 01253 856123 (textphone 01772 899489).
The ICA is to be renamed Carer’s Allowance from April 2003. Carers on ICA do not have to make another claim. |